Smart Software for Better
Results in IVF Practices

Discover the powerful features of our IVF software! From precise embryo selection and live monitoring to personalized treatment plans and easy data organization, our platform offers everything you need.

Key Features Of Our IVF Software


improvement in embryo selection accuracy


Data points/hour for continuous monitoring

95% of

Patients receive tailored protocols


Reduction in manual data entry time

CureMetric IVF Management
Speciality Features

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IUI is an infertility treatment, which is known as Intrauterine insemination (IUI) . In this procedure, the surgeon directly places sperm into a woman’s uterus, also helps the healthy sperm get closer to the egg.


Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a fertility treatment in which a single sperm is injected into the egg for fertilization by using fine equipment of micro-manipulation.


PCOS is explained as Polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a hormonal disorder in women. This condition is common among girls of reproductive age.


Azoospermia Treatment In Bathinda, Punjab: Azoospermia is the condition in men in which the sperm is not present semen. This condition happens to around 1% of the men and around 15% of men are infertile.


Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure which helps in examining the organs present inside the abdomen. This type of surgery involves smaller cuts which make it low-risk procedure and it is a minimally invasive procedure.

Embryo Donation

The embryo donation process is referred to as the transfer of the non-autologous embryo. This means that the patient who is getting the fertilized embryo is neither connected with the sperm donor or egg.


Azoospermia is the condition in which the male partner is not able to ejaculate. This condition is caused due to obstruction in the flow of semen from the body of the man.


TESA stands for Testicular Sperm Aspiration that is performed in order to collect sperm from the males. This technique is beneficial for those who are suffering from low sperm count problem.

Blasocyst Culture

Blastocyst Culture is a technique followed in IVF in which the embryo is allowed to develop for 4-6 days before being implanted into the woman.


Hysteroscopy is valuable to treat and diagnose uterus or womb problems in women. This procedure uses a thin, telescope-like camera, in order to examine the uterus condition.

Egg Donation

If the woman is more than 35 years old, and has been trying unsuccessfully for more than 6 months, further consultation regarding investigation and treatment should be considered rather than waiting for a year.

Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation is a group of techniques that can be used to help individuals or couples maintain their ability to have children in the future.

Revolutionizing Reproductive Technology

Stay connected with seamless communication, access quality assurance, educational tools for patients, and ensure regulatory compliance. Predictive models and scalable solutions make managing your clinic a breeze.

Maternity, Fertility Details & History

As a part of the patient detail examination, the doctor wants to track the maternity history, fertility score, LMP, etc. DocEngage allows you to make the template as per the doctor perforce, specific to fertility.

As a part of the patient detail examination, the doctor wants to track the maternity history, fertility score, LMP, etc. DocEngage allows you to make the template as per the doctor perforce, specific to fertility.

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Patient Management

Patient management includes complete information about the patient couple with demographics, medical history, disease screening and all relevant info that is in the patient’s file. Medical warnings, such as warnings for contagious diseases or allergies are clearly shown.

Contact information, agreements, and consents. Integration with hospital patient registry.

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Embryo Storage and Details

All tissues preserved in cryo tanks are recorded, with information such as storage location, freeze media, and thaw/destruction information. This makes it easy to generate reports and statistics for all tissue in cryo tanks using the dynamic assessment form.

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Sperm Donors

All tissues preserved in cryo tanks are recorded, with information such as storage location, freeze media, and thaw/destruction information. This makes it easy to generate reports and statistics for all tissue in cryo tanks using the dynamic assessment form.

Keep track of donor codes, the different treatments in which a specific donor was used, the number of positive pregnancies, and the number of children using the specific assessment from and data analysis.

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IVF Specialists With Years Of Experince

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  • And so much more...

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